Veggie Soup for the Soul

Veggie Soup for the Soul – Want something homemade, tasty, and healthy?! Look no further…no canned veggies or stalk here…all fresh and homemade. The seasoning can vary for your personal tastes, but if you have the resources try the recipe below…it’s yumminess personified.

Better than the Rest Spaghetti by Jeremiah

Better than the Rest Spaghetti by Jeremiah – This succulent spaghetti specimen along with Team Delicious and their hit sides made for a fantastic night of tantalized tastebuds and more than satisfied tummies.

Kale Chips

Kale chips have never been on my list of items to try before I die. Until I tried them at home and now my mouth waters at their mention. Enjoy!


Thieves essential oil is a staple for any oil using family. This powerful oil can be used for sore throat, immune boost, cleaning, diffusing, dental help, and more.